Sunday, February 14, 2010

Slashin Grass‏

So this morning for half our P day we went and did service. In the form of slashing grass. Lawnmowers are hard to come by here. But also they prefer slashin grass because it's cheaper and doesn't take petrol. But takes much longer. But there is a roundabout in front of our chapel and it had like 5 foot high grass and weeds and it was hard to see cars and things. So we decided to have an Elders Quorum service project and slash the grass. It took about 8 of us 3 hours to slash it. How you do it is basically with a sword with a bent end and you just whack at it for a while. Lots of blisters and sore chest/arms/hands/fingers. But it looks nice now.
So every Sunday we have an investigators class at the chapel. It was completely full this past week. We barely had any room to come in. There were like 20 people in there. We don't even have time to teach all the people that want to learn. They just keep coming. Our area is really just exploding. But the people we are teaching ish they are powerful! William Gondo is sweet. That dude is so intelligent. And it's nice we don't have to simplify our language we can just talk. But that dude just gets it. He works for the government. But we left him a BOM last time we met with him and we asked him if he was reading last night. And he's like ya, I'm in 1 Nephi......15 now. We were like whoa! And asked what he learns and he goes into Lehi's vision and goes into the part where Nephi explains it. His favorite verse was the one with the rod of iron being the word of god. And he said it really just jumped out at him. Many other cool things we talked about in that lesson but he was like referencing it to some parts in Revelations and stuff. Ah but he just gets it. He says so many cool things like "I feel as if I already knew this and I was just kinda remembering it." We're giving him a baptismal date here soon for sure. We're also teaching Amos. He stays with a member. He's a tenant there. And she is a powerful member. She gives us so many referrals and people just keep coming for lessons. She's going to fill up a whole bus with people to come to church on Sunday or something I swear. But Amos is cool. He came to help slash grass this morning with us. Dean is sweet he keeps telling us I want to learn it all. I want to learn fast and things like that. We're still working with Brother and Sister Maponga. He likes the TV Joshua too much. And we're still waiting for him to kinda calm down. We're teaching a few others but aren't too far along with them yet. We have way too many people to teach.
But other than that. Pretty much flyin solo in the office now. It's kinda ruff because there is alot of things I don't know how to do but have to just figure them out.
Also I decided that my companion is how I would imagine my brother in law Blaine would be on mission. I swear he acts just like him. And would have the same type of humor and so forth. It's not a bad thing or anything, I just think it's so funny.
But I think that's all for this week right now. I'll let you guys know how things are progressing.
Oh also. I found out that 4 of the people I was suppose to baptize in Lilanda got baptized last Sunday!!! I was so stoked when I heard. I was also sad I wasn't there for it. Because I worked with those people from the start. And I was suppose to baptize them if I wasn't emergency transferred early. But I'm gonna go visit them when I'm back up in Zambia in a couple of weeks. But that's 4 to my list of Baptisms already. That's kinda weird to think.
But I'll talk to you all next week.
See ya.
~Elder JV

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